Celebrity Bella Hadid recently shocked fans when she came to the defense of a member of the paparazzi. Hadid is known for her rocky relationship with the paparazzi, but stepped forward when she noticed her security being too rough. The model came to the defense of a Female Photographer who was shoved out of her securities way. Fans have celebrated Hadid's decision through social media.
Model told her security off
According to Women's Magazine, celebrity Bella Hadid recently came to the aid of a female photographer. The model was just after attending Michael Kors' New York Fashion Week show when she was suddenly swarmed by paparazzi.
Hadid had her security team with her when the incident with the female photographer occurred.
In a report by Her, a member of Bella Hadid's security pushed the female photographer out of the way. This caught the eye of Bella Hadid who immediately told her security off for their treatment of the female photographer. Bella told her security to keep their hands off the woman before asking her if she was all right.
The entire incident was captured on camera and happened within seconds of Hadid leaving the building. The model had a detailed security with her in the event of the paparazzi swarming around her. Hadid was seen storming off to her waiting vehicle after the incident occurred.
Model has rough time dealing with the paparazzi
According to Her, Bella Hadid has not had a good history with paparazzi. The famous model has been plagued by photographers throughout her career and has continuously asked for privacy. The model recently took to social media to express her frustration with the photographers exclaiming that they were following her when she was simply trying to do her grocery shopping.
In a previous interview with Glamour, Bella Hadid expressed her desire to be treated like a normal person when she is out in public. She claimed that she does not like being a star attracted when she is out on the streets and stated that she finds the constant attention very difficult to deal with on a daily basis.
The model revealed that she still finds it extremely strange when people ask if they can take a photograph with her.
She claims that her friends from high school help to keep her grounded and that they see her for the person she is and not who the media advertise.
Fans of Bella Hadid have taken to social media to express their support of the model and her recent actions. This was not the first time that Hadid has been involved in an incident with the paparazzi.