Aaron Carter has been making several headlines lately as he has been struggling with his mental health. The singer recently came out as bisexual and has been involved in a number of arrests and criminal activity. Carter even appeared on television stating that he needed help but did not know how to get it.

The police were called to Carter's home

According to the Daily Mail, the news about Aaron Carter heading to rehab broke after a recent incident at the singer’s home. Aaron was on Facetime with one of his friends who was becoming increasingly concerned about Carter's well-being.

The friend decided to contact the police as they felt that Aaron might do something to harm himself.

The police arrived at Carter's home and diffused the situation. In a report by E! News, Aaron Carter's representative has confirmed that the singer is taking some time to work on his mental and physical health. Carter also released a statement in which he told fans that he was taking some time to work on himself and that he would be releasing a new track as a gift to his supporters.

In a report by AU News, Carter has stated that he is incredibly grateful for the ongoing support from his fans. It has been confirmed that the singer will not be able to contact people once he is inside the rehabilitation facility but has promised to update fans as soon as he can.

The star has been changing his mind about rehab

In a report by the Daily Mail, it has been confirmed that Aaron Carter has been changing his mind about rehab every few hours. The singer released a cryptic text message online, which read that only he could change his life. Carter's family have stated that they are incredibly worried for their son and are pushing him towards going to rehab.

In a report by AU News, Carter has struggled with prescription drugs and the use of marijuana. He has also had struggles with alcohol and addiction as well. Aaron Carter has been making several headlines over the past few months as he has gotten into several altercations with the police.

According to E! News, Carter appeared on the TV show "Doctors" where he discussed his struggles with two professionals on the air.

The doctors advised Carter to go to a rehabilitation facility and that if he did not then, he would likely die from substance abuse. It appears that Carter has Finally taken their advice and offer of a place in a rehab center.

Fans are worried for their favorite singer but are happy that Carter is finally taking the steps he needs in order to gain control over his health and his life.