Taylor Swift may be known as one of the music industry's sweethearts, but she's definitely not a girl to be messed with. Her Case against former DJ David Mueller, has been one of the hottest headlines for the past days, as the trial for the case was carried out. The 27-year old singer herself testified in court along with other witnesses during the groping altercation. Fans of Taylor Swift all over the world showed their support for the singer, and feminists also signified their admiration for her for standing her ground against sexual assault.

According to ABC News, the jury has finally come to a decision, favoring Taylor Swift and holding Mueller liable for assault and battery. Swift, being the symbolic diva that she is, only asked for $1 as a fine. It was clear that she was trying to make a point that she filed a case not for the money but for her dignity and for the women all over the world.

Initially, the case was very controversial and there was even an incriminating photo that increased the chance of David Mueller being found guilty. According to Swift, Mueller groped her backside while the photo was being taken.

Justice after four years

The groping incident happened in 2013 when Taylor Swift was in Denver, Colorado. The duration of the trial process lasted for four years and although Swift was not very active in social media lately, she still made sure to be present during the trial schedules.

In an official statement obtained by Entertainment Tonight, Taylor Swift thanked Judge William Martinex, the eight-member jury and her attorneys - Kate Wright, Jay Schaudies, Danielle Foley and Doug Baldridge. She also thanked everyone who has showed their support throughout her ordeal.

Mission to help sexual assault victims

After being a victim of sexual assault herself, it's safe to say that she already knows the pain and suffering of women who have also experienced the same or even worse scenarios.

She revealed that she hopes to help women from all over the world who were victims of sexual assault by encouraging them to speak up and let their voices be heard.

It is a known fact that although there are a lot of documented cases of sexual assault, there's still a significant percentage of cases that are undocumented because the victims are too scared to speak up or get some help. There are also women who feel embarrassed to admit that they have been sexually assaulted and Swift wants to change that stigma.