Hey, “Teen Wolf” fans. The second half of season 6 is finally here. It was a long break. They will be starting things up with Scott and company engaging in an intense search. Also, we’ll see Argent and Melissa involved in a very strange investigation in Episode 13. These spoilers were revealed by MTV by way of Spoiler TV.

'After Images'

Their synopsis also told us what the title is for this installment is.

They named it “After Images.” They decided to reveal details about the Scott and company situation first. It turns out that there will be a werewolf that’s out on the loose. It sounds like this will be a pretty dangerous situation too, as they tell us that Scott and his crew will desperately be trying to locate this werewolf as soon as possible.

Will they be able to find it before something dangerous occurs? Or will they come up short? Those are the big questions for this particular situation. It definitely sounds like it could turn into something that’s pretty intense and dramatic. That certainly won’t be a first for this show.

Unfortunately, they kept their description extremely vague. So, that’s all they offered up for this storyline. We’ll have to wait until this one airs to see how it plays out. Hopefully we’ll see it fully play out in this episode. However, it’s highly possible that this plotline could span multiple episodes. We’ll see.

Very intriguing stuff

In this second and final teaser for episode 13, they revealed that Melissa and Argent will be up to some very intriguing stuff. Apparently, there will be a very weird body that has turned up on the scene. In light of this, Argent and Melissa will be extremely busy trying to investigate its origins.

Will they be able to find the answers they seek? Or will this body just be too weird even for them to figure out?

Those are a couple of very important questions for this storyline. It certainly sounds like it will offer us some very intriguing scenes to look forward to. Again, they kept things very short with this part of the description. So, we’ll have to wait around until next week to see how things will develop in regard to this situation.

Tyler Posey directed it

They also revealed that the main star of this show Tyler Posey directed episode 13. So, that should give us a pretty interesting new tone. That’s all the scoops that we have for this installment. However, expect MTV to release the new preview clip for it after episode 12 wraps up later on tonight. It should feature some scenes that reveal extra intel for it. So, you’ll definitely want to look out for it. Episode 13 is officially due to air next Sunday night, August 13, 2017 at 7pm central time on MTV. Stay tuned.