"Big Brother 19" rumors tease that Christmas Abbott may have won the Week 8 Head of Household. The rumors on social media suggest that Christmas won the HOH competition. If she did win, who will she target for Week 8's eviction?

Christmas is a 'BB19' mystery

According to Big Brother Gossip, Christmas won the HOH competition. The report came from a Twitter account that has correctly predicted "Big Brother 19" spoilers all season.

While the scoop isn't confirmed yet, it seems likely. Christmas almost won the HOH competition on Thursday, August 17, but ended up losing to Jason Dent in the last round. Many felt that the fitness model may have thrown the challenge, knowing that she was safe with Jason as HOH.

What will Christmas do?

"Big Brother 19" spoilers state that Christmas has been itching to make a huge move in the past few weeks. To keep herself safe, she had to play Paul Abrahamian's game. He told her who to vote out, and she played nice with him. However, Christmas could use this time to take a shot at Paul, fearing this could be her last chance to take him out.

During Josh Martinez's HOH reign, Christmas told him that he has to play his own game and not do everything Paul tells him to do. She urged him to do what was best for his game and ignore Paul's demands.

Christmas stated that she adores Paul as a person, but she came on the show to win "Big Brother 19," not to help Paul win the game. She suggested that Josh do the same.

Who is in danger in Week 8?

"Big Brother 19" spoilers suggest that Mark Jansen is in big trouble this week. He needs to win safety by winning the new temptation twist or with the POV, or he will probably leave on Thursday. There is a small chance that Christmas will take this opportunity to take a shot and send Paul home.

Josh and Christmas briefly talked about taking Paul out of the game a few weeks ago.

"Big Brother 19" spoilers revealed that they decided that, if they do target Paul, they would have to backdoor him. Christmas feared Paul's reaction and the backlash from the rest of "Paul's minions."

The reality is, Christmas will probably play it safe and nominate Mark and Raven Walton. And, if Mark doesn't win the POV competition, he will probably go home. "Big Brother 19" fans still secretly hope that Christmas will make a power move and put Paul on the block. Do you think Christmas will nominate Paul for eviction? Do you think the rumors are right, and that Christmas won the Week 8 HOH competition?

"Big Brother 19" airs Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday evenings on CBS.