"The Walking Dead" was embroiled in an unfortunate accident recently when one of its stuntmen, John Bernecker, died after a 20-foot fall onto the ground. It was truly a tragic incident and so the filming for the series was temporarily suspended. However, according to Entertainment Weekly, filming has resumed and the cast and crew are back to work.
The first episode of "The Walking Dead" Season 8 is kind of a big deal because it will serve as the 100th episode of the series.
That said, fans are expecting a lot of surprises and plot twists for the season premiere. it was already known that the series would premiere sometime in October, but it was only recently that the showrunners revealed the exact date of the premiere, which is on October 22.
With just a few months left before the season premiere of "The Walking Dead" season 8, fans are already on the lookout for spoilers that might give some hints about what's going to happen in the upcoming episodes. "The Walking Dead" will have a panel in the upcoming San Diego Comic-Con on July 21 and many are waiting excitedly for it.
Key art spoiler revealed
TV series fanatics know all too well that posters released for an upcoming series potentially hold a lot of easter eggs that might give away major spoilers. AMC recently unveiled "The Walking Dead" key art days before the panel in San Diego Comic-Con and the fans have been having a field day trying to decode the promotional posters.
The first official photo for season 8 featured two iconic characters in the series, Daryl and Carol, played by Norman Reedus and Melissa McBride respectively. The photo has made the fans happy because it signified a reunion between Daryl and Carol, who have spent time apart in "The Walking Dead" season 7.
In the promotional poster, it appears that Daryl and Carol are preparing for a battle which leads everyone to think that Negan might have to put up with the dynamic duo once again.
Although Daryl and Carol may have to work on their trust issues because of some conflicts in the past, it is undeniable that their convergence will truly be a threat to Negan and his militia.
Addressing the accident
In the scheduled panel for "The Walking Dead" season 8 in San Diego Comic-Con, the public is expecting the tragic accident to be addressed on top of the discussion of what to expect in the upcoming season. Little is known about John Bernecker but AMC and "The Walking Dead" showrunners have already confirmed their offer to give assistance to the bereaved family members of the stuntman.