"The Fosters" is a popular TV series created by Peter Paige and Bradley Bredeweg. The series first premiered in 2013 and has been running ever since. This July saw the beginning of the series' fifth season. The characters have all come a long way, and the blossoming relationship between Callie and Aaron has been an interest for fans since last season. On this week's episode of the show titled "Contact," the pair finally go on their first date.
The fact that Aaron is transgender and is portrayed on-screen by a transgender actor was a huge bonus for viewers of the show.
Callie and Aaron go on their first date
Fans of "The Fosters" have been eagerly awaiting Callie and Aaron's relationship since last season of the show. The pair began as friends last season when Callie was still dating A.J. He became a close friend of Callie's as he helped her try to solve a case involving a former foster kid who she lived with once. When everyone else was telling Callie to stop investigating, Aaron was the only character on the show who showed his strong support for her actions.
It also helps that Aaron helps people the way that Callie does. He works at the center for teenage runaways and teens in trouble. It was clear to fans that they matched in more ways than one. The immediate attraction between the characters was quickly picked up upon. However, Callie tried to deny that the pair was anything other than friends. When their characters kissed toward the end of last season, fans were delighted.
In this week's episode of "The Fosters," the pair went on their first date. Aaron organized the whole thing and Callie was less than impressed. However, the pair reconciled before the end of the episode, and it appears that their relationship will continue on during the season.
A show about diversity
Fans have been raving about the diversity of the show. The parents on the show are Lena and Stef and are a lesbian couple. Their son Jude is gay and there are several transgender characters on the show. Callie and her relationship with transgender character Aaron has been celebrated by the show and its fans. According to Entertainment Weekly, the show's executive producer Peter Paige has stated that Aaron and Callies's relationship shows the complete ordinariness of transgender people.
"The Fosters" will return with a brand new episode next week. Fans will have to wait and see what happens next with Callie and Aaron's relationship.