Is Justin Bieber dropping his music career due to a "spiritual awakening"? According to a new report by TMZ, Bieber seems to have a new "purpose" in life and it's not involving music. Sources tell the website that Hillsong Church and its leader, Carl Lentz, factors into the pop sensation's decision. He recently canceled the remaining concerts in his Purpose World Tour.

Conflicting claims emerge

People connected to Hillsong Church claim that Justin Bieber's intense relationship with Lentz is the reason behind him quitting the rest of his tour. An earlier report of the situation had other sources telling TMZ that Lentz didn't want Justin to stop his tour and urged him to continue. One source insists that Bieber made the choice based on soul searching and determining what path he should take. Nevertheless, Bieber and Lentz have gotten closer and the church leader is said to be having more influence over the singer's life decisions.

Bieber and Lentz have held countless conversations and it's possible Bieber is thinking way down the road about ending his Music Career.

He and Lentz were seen in Beverly Hills this week talking at Mastro's. One source best describes the interesting relationship as Justin Bieber "becoming the Tom Cruise" of Hillsong Church. Cruise is famous for being tight with Scientology leader, David Miscavige. Cruise's faith is famously documented and sources have talked about their "bromance."

AOL News reports that Bieber's relationship with Carl Lentz isn't new. The star reportedly stayed at the church leader's home back in 2014, a home Lentz shares with his wife. Justin also appeared with Lentz at a Hillsong conference in Australia earlier this year.

Bieber's manager, Scooter Braun, claims that Justin nixed the remainder of his tour to nurture his "soul and well-being," but denied religion had any part in his decision when reporters asked him if that was the case.

Ironically, two of Justin Bieber's ex-girlfriends -- Selena Gomez and Hailey Baldwin -- are linked with Hillsong as well. The two of them have frequently mentioned the church on social media. It's unknown if Justin got them interested in the church.

It could be about evolving

Is Justin Bieber done with music and willing to end it all for religious purposes? Maybe he's found something that has more substance to him than being a famous pop star. It could just be that he's exploring a spiritual side of himself that hasn't evolved until now. Tom Cruise is a Scientologist, but it hasn't hindered his acting career. Personal and spiritual enrichment is still a necessity for people, famous or not.