Jinger Duggar Vuolo is down in Texas enjoying life with her new husband Jeremy. Since getting married, Jinger has made it clear that she is going to wear pants and even shorts, but she doesn't show off very much when she is wearing them. Now Jinger has upset her fans with a new picture of her at the Shooting Range having a good time. Some people do not agree with her doing this kind of thing, but Jinger doesn't seem to mind and is showing the world what a good time she is having.

What did Jinger's fans have to say about her pants?

Jinger Duggar Vuolo simply posted the picture and looked like she was having a good time. Along with it, she posted the caption "Ready! Aim! Fire!" Some fans are talking about how they love the fact that Jinger is living her life and doing what she wants, wearing pants. Now one thing that is very noticeable in this picture is that Jinger doesn't have a baby bump, regardless of any rumors she might be expecting. One fan named Sister Goodwin said, "You looked special, set apart in your dresses & skirts, now you look so common... it's hard to recognize you.

It makes me sad."

Fans speak out against her shooting

A few fans are being nice and telling Jinger Duggar Vuolo that she did a great job shooting and they are impressed by her cluster. One fan even noticed that she is doing a great job of keeping her finger off the trigger when she isn't shooting, so someone must be doing a good job of teaching her how to shoot. Jamba Boot wasn't impressed though and said, "Practicing so when Jim Bob comes after her for wearing pants and using birth control she can fight get back." Jinger has never admitted to using birth control.

Some people don't seem to think that guns are what God would have wanted, but her sister Jessa Seewald also shoots guns and isn't shy about it at all.

She was with her husband Jeremy, so it is obvious that this is something they are doing together. The comments are basically saying they can't believe that someone as Godly as Jeremy would even hold a gun. Jeremy and Jinger aren't responding to anyone at all, but they normally don't answer haters on posts, so it isn't shocking at all that they are staying quiet and just doing their own thing.

What do you think of Jinger Duggar Vuolo going to the shooting range and wearing pants? Do you feel like her parents would approve? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss the new episodes of "Counting On" when they air on Monday nights on TLC.