"Days of Our Lives" spoilers for the week of July 24Th have Chabby fans on the edge of their seats. The new daytime "It couple" in the making will continue to be drawn together, forcing a wedge between Chad and Gabi's current relationship.
'Chabby' on their way to becoming Days' next 'It' couple?
Gabi is growing more suspicious and insecure about where things stand between herself and Chad. Gabi's intuition is telling her that her man Chad is not quite as into her as she would like him to be. According to Inqusitr reports, Chad is dishonest and sneaky when it comes to his feelings and dealing with Abigail.
Gabi is going to confront Chad and Gabi will engage in a heated verbal showdown that could end their relationship permanently.
How will Gabi handle her jealousy over Abby?
Sadly, it appears as if Gabi is going to have her heart broken once again, but it is suggested that we could see a real vindictive side come out in Gabi. She may be so broken over Chad that she may plan to seek her revenge. It would be interesting to see Gabi turn all kinds of evil -- something along the lines of the Hope/Bo/Carly story when Carly was buried alive.
Abigail is going through hell right now. On top of her feelings for Chad, she is trapped in a marriage she does not want to be in and being blackmailed and terrorized by her husband, Dario.
As announced, "Days" actor Jordi Vilauso who plays Dario Hernandez is on his way out. How will they end the character's role? Writers may kill him off, have him mysteriously disappear, or choose to replace him at a later date.
Dario (Jordi Vilasuso) is involved in dangerous and illegal activities that could find Abigail in a world of trouble herself.
Abby's attempt to confront Dario about his counterfeit money business blows up in her face when he shows her pictures on his phone of Chad standing over Deimos' body.
Dario has been arrested, but he is still forcing her to cover up his crimes. Abby is going to enlist the aid of Theo with he hope of saving Chad. It won't take long before Dario is released and the charges are dropped.
However, Chad will continue to confront Abby about her relationship with Dario, which Dario continues to flaunt at every opportunity.
As previously reported, new head writer Ron Carlivati has promised fans that Chabby's story is just beginning and that they can look forward to some very exciting storylines shortly. What do you want to see in Chabby's future?
"Days of Our Lives" airs weekdays on NBC.