"Big Brother 19" was tense tonight. Going into the live eviction, the houseguests were on pins and needles. Now, the cat is out of the bag. Cody believed his alliance members were all on the same page, and up until right before the votes, so did America. As it turns out, the "Big Brother" alliance wasn't intact. Jillian and Christmas were nominated for eviction, and once the votes fell, the unexpected happened.

Who was evicted from "Big Brother 19"?

At the end of the night, Jillian was sent packing. Most of Cody's alliance voted to keep Christmas in the house. After Jillian walked out the door, tensions rose. Paul Abrahamian pulled out his Power of Protection and shook up the house a few days ago and now, the eviction put them all on high alert. With Cody not able to play for the Head Of Household, Jessica was having a fit.

As the show closed, the new Head of Household competition was starting. Viewers were watching the competition on the live feeds, and within the hour, the new Head of Household was crowned.

Paul Abrahamian won the prize, placing himself in a good spot moving forward. He is protected for two more evictions, and this week, he calls the shots. Next week he is ineligible for the Head of Household competition, but he is still safe from being nominated. This buys him plenty of time to form a solid alliance and almost guarantees him a spot in the Jury House.

Paul's Head of Household is going to shake things up

Cody is bent out of shape over how the votes fell. Jessica got upset and in Christmas' face after the votes were cast. Apparently, there has been some serious confrontations happening in the house, and which has lead to fish being seen on the live feeds. Production had to warn the houseguests about getting too close to one another when arguing.

Tonight, things are heated, and once the nominations are made, it could get worse.

Speculations are flying that Paul is going to place Cody and Jessica on the block against one another. Cody is a beast, and he could easily win the Power of Veto competition, leaving Jessica on the block. Ramses needs to offer himself up to be nominated at least once in the next three weeks, and this could be his ticket to stay while also taking his punishment. There are several possibilities for how this will play out, all of which are going to cause some serious drama in the "Big Brother 19" house. Fans are excited to see who Paul nominates tomorrow, especially because they know it will make waves.