Christmas Abbott is having foot surgery today, and she has just exited the "Big Brother" house. She injured her foot last week when she was riding on Jason's back and he fell, landing on her foot. Immediately, Christmas knew something was wrong.

After a week in the house, she is finally getting to have her foot fixed. There is some confusion about whether or not she will be back.

Some fans think she will come back to heal and compete, while others believe she will be sent home to recover. Either way, "Big Brother" has not made an official announcement. Being that tomorrow is the live eviction, there is concern that Cody may not be evicted and the entire vote could be canceled. As fans wait for word on what is happening, Christmas Abbott is off for surgery.

Last night "Big Brother" feeds

The live feeds were full of information for "Big Brother" fans last night. According to Joker's Updates, the houseguests are getting tired of Christmas. She reportedly has been incredibly moody to others, and it is not going over well.

Paul and Dominique had a conversation about her, along with a few others. Quite the opposite is happening with Cody Nickson though. He has decided to forge a bond with Christmas Abbott. He believes there will be a battle back, and he is working on smoothing things over with people. He even told Christmas that if he gets back in, he wants to team up with her and Paul to "steamroll" the other houseguests.

Speculation is that Cody may be trying to appease the "Big Brother" houseguests so that Jessica has an easier time without him. If all goes as planned, Jessica will remain in the house without Cody for a while. The houseguests have been fixated on making it to the Jury House, and that is puzzling to fans.

They aren't worried about winning the next competition, but only worried about making it far enough to not be sent home before the season is over.

HOH up for grabs tomorrow night

As outgoing HOH (Head of Household), Paul will not be able to compete. He is safe again this week, so fans can breathe a sigh of relief. Cody is projected to be heading out the door, which means he obviously won't be competing. Up through this point in the game, no one else has really shown a desire to win. Everyone threw the last two competitions to Paul. Fans have no idea what to expect tomorrow night as far as who will be sitting in the winner's seat.

The next week in the "Big Brother" house is going to be interesting. Definitely, expect the unexpected.