salman khan's latest movie "Tubelight" was released all across the United States on June 23, 2017. The film directed by Kabir Khan revolves around the life of Laxman (Salman Khan) who is so close to his brother Bharat (Sohail Khan). Bharat is working in the army, but one day, he goes missing, and the remaining portion of the movie features Laxman's journey to find his brother.

The film is an adaptation of the 2015 American film "Little Boy."

Box-office collections

The film collected around $3.5 million (Rs 21.15 crores) on day one in India alone. The US collections details are awaited.

"Tubelight" was released in more than 800 screens in the United States, and considering the star value of Salman in the country, it is expected to gross more than $5 million at the end of this weekend. The first-day box-office collections are said to be not up to the expected mark. The earnings details will be updated here soon.

The story of 'Tubelight'

The director used the initial moments of the movie to narrate the simple lifestyle of Laxman, and his innocence while doing things.

The first fifteen minutes is nothing but a crash course on Laxman's childhood, and it will surely give a breeze of fresh air to his fans. Later, the director focuses mainly on the rapport between Bharat and Laxman, and at this moment, the viewers will get to know that both of them will be separated soon.

Kabir Khan has cleverly used a montage song to demonstrate the rapport which prevails between them, and in these scenes, he also introduces the character of Om Puri in the story. As a lovable maternal uncle, the veteran actor has put up a decent show, and his on-screen chemistry with Salman was incredible.

Salman Khan at his best

Salman Khan, the muscular hunk of Bollywood, is known for his heroic macho roles.

But in this film, he has played an entirely different character, and this is for the first time that the star is playing such a down-to-earth role in his career. The character which Salman portrayed in "Tubelight" is so vulnerable, yet he did it with finesse. It should also be noted that Salman Khan has used the same kind of costume throughout the movie, and the director has not tried to exploit the style quotient of the star.

The main highlight of this film is a powerful speech delivered by Laxman's character in the second half of the movie. Laxman, after understanding the tiff between neighboring countries he renders a heartwarming speech about the futility of war.

"Tubelight" is a movie made with good intentions, and it conveys a strong message especially in this time of continuous ceasefire violation all across the border.