Chloë Grace Moretz, a famous actress who has starred in films, such as "The Fifth Wave" and "Neighbors 2: Sorority Rising" plays the voice of Snow White in the new animated film, "Red Shoes & the 7 Dwarfs," which is set to be released in 2018. The story follows the lives of seven princes who are turned into dwarfs. In order to break the curse that has transformed them, they must find the lady with the red shoes.
Snow White is a princess that doesn't fit the standards of the princess world, so she wears the red shoes because they allow her to appear thinner. Though it is meant to be a comical spin-off of the original "Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs," there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the film, due to a particular advertising campaign.
The Content of The Advertisements
Attendees of the Cannes Film Festival last week were shocked when they saw the poster advertisements and the trailer for the film. The poster depicts two women standing side by side. One woman is shorter and heavier and the other is taller and slimmer.
The tagline is as follows: "What if Snow White was no longer beautiful and the 7 Dwarfs not so short?"
Individuals who stumbled upon this body-shaming advertisement were appalled by its obvious condescension of women. Many interpreted it as saying that only skinny women are beautiful and reactions from model, Tess Holliday, and even Moretz herself about the inappropriateness of the advertisement have grabbed people's attention.
What Chloe Grace Moretz Has To Say
After seeing the photo that a journalist had shot at the festival, Moretz assured fans that neither she nor her team approved the advertisement and she apologized to anyone who may have been offended by what they saw, acknowledging that it doesn't send the correct message.
Moretz said that the movie itself is meant to empower women and that is actually has a very positive message, as it challenges stereotypes of beauty. She hopes that people will still be able to recognize that it is a beautiful story and that they won't write the film off as a result of this deplorable incident.
Locus Creative Studios Apologizes For Their Mistake
Locus Creative Studios, an animation studio in South Korea, was responsible for the advertisement's creation and has since removed it from the movie's campaign. Locus producer, Sujin Hwang has come forward to take responsibility for what has happened and to apologize, on behalf of the company, to the other artists and companies involved in the film who had nothing to do with the ad campaign.