The latest episode of "The Flash" Season 3 was a real shocker. If you have not watched the episode yet, please be warned that there are spoilers ahead. The prophecy which was revealed earlier this season must now be fulfilled. In order for Savitar to turn into a god, Iris West must die. '
A lot of fans still refuse to accept what happened in the show. Despite Barry's efforts, Savitar was able to kidnap Iris and then stabbed her. Seeing Iris die the way "The Flash" has been teasing viewers about for it's finale is hard enough, but what makes it harder to watch is the fact that Joe saw how she died.
Iris recorded her wedding vows
"The Flash" Season 3 Episode 22 started with the Stars Labs working to save Iris. Iris seems to know that her end has come. Indeed, she even recorded her wedding vows, because she felt sure that she won't be able to recite it.
H.R. feels guilty because he gave Iris' information to Savitar. The Evil Barry turned into the Good Barry to trick H.R. into talking. All the events leading to Iris being kidnapped by Savitar, and a fight begins to save her. Flash tried to use the speed bazooka, but it failed, and this only empowered Savitar even more. Flash speeds toward Savitar, and the scene plays out to what the show has been teasing before. Iris gets stabbed and is dying in Barry's arms.
Flash speeds toward Savitar, and the scene plays out to what the show has been teasing before. Iris gets stabbed and is dying in Barry's arms.
Iris may not be dead, fans suggest
The synopsis of "The Flash" Season 3 finale has been released, and it says, that Barry now has nothing to lose. He takes on Savitar, and it is going to be an epic ending to the current season.
A teaser for the upcoming episode shows Barry unable to save Iris. It also looks like Savitar is telling Killer Frost that he has become a god.
Many viewers think that Iris is not dead, and that "The Flash" has always been full of plot twists. Some suggest that the team may use some meta-technology to save Iris, while others suggest that Iris may just have faked her death to trick Savitar.
Still, others say that Savitar may have stabbed a fake Iris and that H.R.'s face changer made that possible. Fans are coming up with other theories about Iris, hoping she's not gone. They say it is hard to accept that a beloved character like Iris would be gone from the show.
However, if Iris is dead, what will happen to Barry and Joe? How will her death affect them? We would know the answer next week as the final episode of this season will be released. "The Flash" Season 3 finale titled "Finish Line" will air on May 23.