Recently, the folks over at TV Line and E! Online got to chat with "The 100" showrunner Jason Rothenberg and they were able to squeeze quite a few spoiler teasers out of him that we can expect to see go down when the new season arrives next year. Clarke has formed a deep mother/daughter bond with this new little girl. Relationships will have changed dramatically during the 6 year time jump, and more.

Her name is Maddie

The very first spoiler teaser that they touched upon had to do with the little girl that Clarke was seen with at the end of the season 4 finale episode. Rothenberg revealed that she isn't Clarke's biological daughter. However, we are going to see more of this girl in season 5 and find out that their relationship is very important to Clarke. From there, Rothenberg even went as far as to reveal the name of the girl, saying that she's a Nightblood named Maddie.

Clarke absolutely loves her

Maddie has been with Clarke for five years and they are bonded the way a mother is bonded to her daughter.

Clarke absolutely loves her and this relationship has greatly changed her decision-making process. In the new season, they will reveal the story of how they came together and how they've been the only two people surviving on the planet after everyone else left. That certainly sounds like it'll be an intriguing storyline to open up the new season.

Next, they talked about the spaceship that showed up six years and seven days after everyone left Clarke on Earth when she sacrificed herself. They're definitely going to fill us in on that whole story in season 5. Rothenberg said that it's probably filled with some prisoners that are angry. Then he said that they're going to sort of reboot the entire story.

Clarke will now be the grounder and these prisoners will be The 100. The prisoners will start off as antagonists, but that will likely change moving forward.

Monty's hands will be fine

Next, they talked about Monty's hands. Rothenberg confirmed that they will eventually be just fine even though they got pretty messed up. So, expect to see Monty make a full recovery. E! Online also interviewed the showrunner, and he commented on the six year time jump. He confirmed that they will definitely show flashbacks of what happened during those years in the new season. He also mentioned that a lot of awesome stuff went down during that time.

Major changes in relationships

Next, he pointed out that the crew was only on Earth together less than a year according the chronology of the show's timeline.

So in season 5, we'll see that they've been away from each other way longer than they were ever together on Earth. This means that we'll see major changes in their relationships, alliances and things of that nature. He also commented on Bellamy, saying that we'll see him become sort of a fully realized hero/leader in terms of being able to make decisions that are based on both intellect and emotion. In other words, he'll be more balanced.

Octavia is a leader too

He talked about Octavia. She will also be a leader to that bunker of 1200 people and we're going to have to see what that means for her. We're also going to see her reunite with Bellamy at some point. Initially, they'll be very emotional and excited to see each other.

However, they will eventually have to deal with how much they've changed and how that affects their relationship.

Everyone's still alive

Jason confirmed that everyone will still be alive. Lastly, he revealed that there were clues about the season finale spaceship hidden throughout season 4 and they were definitely presented as a threat. Stay tuned.