Hey, "Scandal" folks. Lets see here. We've got a new discovery, getting made. A very significant transfer of power thats starting, and more in this next, new episode 14 of the current season 6. The kind folks at ABC, gave us the official rundown for this episode, via an official synopsis reveal that gives us about three storyline spoiler scoops. It turns out that we'll be seeing Fitz, considering his legacy as he steps down. Olivia and company start questioning what's coming next. Jake learns what's making Peus tick, and more.
"Head Games"
They also let us know that the title for this episode, is: "Head Games." The first thing they let us know in their official plot summary, is that there is going to be a big transition of power that's going down.
They decided to put this part in all capital letters, placing some pretty significant emphasis on this fact. So, I would probably look to see a lot of scenes in reference to this, to take place.
Contemplate his legacy
They went on to tell us a little bit more about this storyline, saying that President Fitz will start to contemplate his legacy, since he's about to finally step down. This new change is also going to cause the Gladiators team to start pondering what's going to be next for OPA aka Olivia Pope & Associates. Yes, what will be next on their agenda? And what types of things will Fitz be contemplating when it comes to his legacy? Those are the big questions for this storyline. That certainly sounds like something we'll definitely have to wait around to find out.
Hopefully, we'll get some answers to those burning questions as soon as possible.
Mystery woman's reign of terror
Next, they let us know that we're going to see some more action from Jake at some point. It turns out that we're finally going to see him discover what the motivation is for Theodore Peus' latest actions, along with the Mystery Woman's reign of terror.
What does Jake end up, finding out? And what will he end up,doing about it? Hopefully, we'll see those questions get answered in this episode. One thing's for sure, we should definitely get some intriguing scenes out of that storyline. The writing team of: Chris Van Dusen & Juan Carlos, delivered the script, and Zetna Fuentes directed it.
Quinn and Huck are in this too
ABC also delivered a few photos for episode 14. We've included one of them (above), featuring Quinn and Huck in a scene together, and it looks like they're having a very serious conversation. In fact, there are a lot of photos that shows different angles of this scene. Quinn is also seen in a couple of other scenes with some other people, so definitely look for both her and Huck to also be in action in this one.
Of course, the main lady, Olivia, is seen in a couple of the photos, still busy on that smartphone of hers. We also see Charlie in some scenes, so he'll be around as well. We can also confirm that episode 14 is set to air next Thursday night, May 11th,2017 at 8pm central time on ABC. Stay tuned.