The film “Goodbye Christopher Robin” has been completed by Fox Searchlight. It tells the story of the British Winnie The Pooh author A.A. Milne and his son Christopher Robin. Milne got his inspiration to write his Pooh stories through his son Christopher and his stuffed animals. The character of Winnie the Pooh is possibly the most successful fictional creation of all time,

"Goodbye Christopher Robin" has set an awards-season release date of November 10th.

Directed by Simon Curtis, the film stars Domhnall Gleeson, Margot Robbie, and Will Tilston as the young Christopher. It is produced by Damian Jones, Steve Christian, Nuala Quinn-Barton, and the Screenplay is written by Frank Cottrell Boyce.

Winnie the Pooh

The film is set in England in the 1920's when AA Milne is beginning to have his first success with his Pooh stories. Christopher is enjoying his last real summer at home before the scary threat of going off to boarding school becomes real. Life is rosy while the family basks in the commercial gain that the books bring and they enjoy their luxurious lifestyle.

However, while the stories continue to achieve more and more commercial success the whole family becomes increasingly harassed by the fame and the life in the spotlight. The media clamor for attention on the one hand but Christopher is ridiculed and teased by his peers on the other. The boy’s very private life with his toys and friends are exposed to the public.

Things get worse for Christopher! In an attempt to have him grow up, and prepare for dreaded boarding school his father gets rid of his Nanny, his very best friend. He begins to discourage the fun games he has always played in the woods with his friends and fictional characters Pooh, Tigger, and Eeyore. Christopher's world is turned upside down and not surprisingly he begins to withdraw!

Eventually, after a lot of soul-searching, Milne decides not to write any more of the stories about his son and the famous bear Pooh, As the summer draws to a close the whole family knows that their lives have changed forever.

A bittersweet story about the effect of fame on a very ordinary family, at a time when few understood what fame was.

Sequel planned by Disney

A sequel to this film is already planned by Disney to take a look at the life of the older Christopher Robin to be played by Ewan McGregor, The film will see Christopher Robin a man who has lost the sense of wonder that once sparked his imagination in the Hundred Acre Wood. Thankfully, Pooh and his friends come to the rescue to help bring it all back.

Again the timeless stories of Winnie the Pooh will be in the spotlight for a very long time to come. It’s all about that bear, Winnie the Pooh!