There are just three episodes left of “Quantico” Season 2, and things aren’t looking good. The collaborators know all about the task force and have managed to turn one of them. Is it possible that they will all come out of this unscathed, or is it the end? It may not help matters that “Quantico” season 3 still isn’t confirmed. This is one of the bubble shows that needs fan support by viewing live every single week.
Here’s a look at the things to come in episode 20 to entice you to watch this week.
President Haas is close to impeachment
After the events of last week, the first female president is looking at being impeached. She is just three votes away from it happening and there are enemies in the senate who want to make sure one of the collaborators is put in her place. Of course the task force can’t let that happen, and it isn’t just because President Haas is the mother of their leader. With the collaborators in control of the government, everything will be over. The country will be in ruin from skepticism and fear.
They’ve already seen the Muslim registry bill make its way through, albeit narrowly.
Alex is getting in too deep on ‘Quantico’
While the task force helps to stop President Haas from being impeached, Alex is working on infiltrating the collaborators. With everything looking like it is falling apart, she decided to take the collaborators up on their offer as a way to get into their systems. However, the collaborators have another idea. They want to test her loyalty.
It’s always Alex against the rest, is it not? The first season started with her being framed for the explosion in New York, and now it looks like she’s working against everyone else—turning tail to work with the collaborators. None of them are happy.
Considering that they have all worked undercover, surely they will be able to guess that Alex is actually working on their side. From the promo it doesn’t look like they are willing to take that guess, and Alex is afraid that she’s getting in too deep and won’t be able to get out. She’ll turn to the only person she can trust: Owen.
One good thing to come out of this storyline is Owen and Alex working together more. They have certainly had an interesting and intriguing relationship. Owen recently admitted that he didn’t like Alex at all, but now she has become the one person to help mend his broken mind and build his confidence. It’s abundantly clear that he likes her now and is grateful for her determination and belief. Is it enough to help her in “Quantico” season 2? Tune in on Monday at 10 p.m. on ABC to find out.