What happens when you head a task force and hold an Engagement Party? It becomes a trap for the people you’re going up against, of course. Clay decides that his engagement party with Maxine will become the place to fish out and trap the collaborators, who have now all been identified. As “Quantico season 2 wraps up with its last few episodes, the episodes are becoming intense.

It’s time to turn the collaborators against each other

At no point does the task force want to out the collaborators. The aim is to turn each one against each other—or at least enough to help bring an end to the terrorist actions that are happening right now.

This means each of them will need to dance and dine with the enemy, and the engagement party seems like the perfect place for that.

Of course, none of the women are too happy about it, but they do play spy. At the same time, Maxine will find that she actually quite enjoys the life of being a covert operator, which Shelby can’t help but appreciate in the woman. Will these two become the best of friends?

In ‘Quantico’ fashion it doesn’t go according to plan

Like all the rest of the plans that have played out this season, the task force isn’t going to have much luck. One of the team members will make a “surprising decision,” according to the synopsis for the episode. What could that decision be?

Will one of the team members tell the collaborators what is really happening? This decision certainly puts lives at risk, so it would suggest that it’s something to do with the collborators.

This could also be the chance for Raina to share who she really is. Right now the group believes that she is Nimah. However, Nimah actually took the fall for her twin sister and is currently being held as a suspected terrorist.

Fans debate over whether they want to see Shelby and Clay together. It would mean Shelby breaks up another Haas relationship, after already damaging the marriage between Clay’s parents. Some fans hope that Maxine will be the one who works against the task force, so that it opens the door for Clayton to break up with her and move on with Shelby.

There are still questions about the future of “Quantico.” It’s one of the bubble shows that is on the cusp of going either way. The earlier Season 2 ratings have not helped matters, but moving the show to Mondays in January showed that ABC wanted to save it. Since moving to the one timeline, things have looked up, but the show is dipping again. “Quantico” season 2, Episode 19 airs on Monday, April 24, 2017 at 10 p.m.