Hey, "The Flash" fans. We've got some new,official spoiler teasers for you guys, and these are going to be huge. They're for the upcoming episode 20 of the current season 3. The CW was kind enough to reveal them in their latest press release. It turns out that we're going to see Killer Frost, totally take over poor Caitlin and just give team Flash all sorts of trouble when they're trying to seek out a woman by the name of Tracy Band.

This will result in Vibe aka Cisco, having to do some major battling with her, and he will find it difficult to pull off, and more!

"I Know Who You Are" is the label

To get this little session started, we'll let you know what the title of this episode is. The producers labeled it: "I Know Who You Are.” Ooh, that sounds intriguing. Anyways, getting into this official description, they went out of their way to reveal, in all caps, that Vibe is going to have a big ole face-off with Killer Frost at some point! So, that will surely give us a very entertaining scene.

Interfere with Team Flash

Elaborating on that particular storyline, they tell us that Frost is going interfere with Team Flash's interaction with guest character, Tracy Brand (played by actress Anne Dudek), because she will be after Tracy as well.

This will set up the big battle scene as Vibe will need to stop her from taking Tracy. Now, why is Tracy so important? Well, they describe her as being a scientist that may be the key to stopping the evil Savitor character from killing our precious Iris West. They didn't reveal why Frost wants to get her claws on her, though, but I'm guessing the reason lies in the fact that she is a scientist, and could probably help her out with something. It looks like we'll have to wait until the episode airs, to be absolutely sure.

Joe and Cecile situation

The big questions for this storyline, is will Cisco be able to stop Caitlin's evil alter ego without killing her? Or will this big battle just get outright nasty?

One thing we can be sure of, is that we're going to get some extremely dramatic scenes out of it. Alright, so after all that drama, you would think that would be enough, but no, no, no. We've still got one more teaser to go over. This one involves Joe and his new love interest, Cecile. They let us know that, at some point, their relationship is going to take a very big turn!

What could this huge turn be? Will it be a bad turn? Those are the big questions for their much less important storyline. I mean, do we really care what happens with them? I know I sure don't. Anyways, this episode was written by Bronwen Clark & Joshua V. Gilbert, and they got Hanelle Culpepper to direct it. The press release also confirmed that episode 20 will definitely be airing next Tuesday night, May 2nd,2017 at 7pm central time on The CW. Stay tuned.