After teasing a big announcement on her Facebook page all week, Anna Cardwell, also known as "Chickadee," has split from her husband, Michael. These two were seen on the show "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo," but were not on Mama June's recent show "Mama June: From Not to Hot." Now Anna is sharing that they are over and already living apart.

Anna and Michael got married back in 2014. They moved to Alabama and at the time Mama June was really upset that they moved away from her. Since then, they have had some issues and not been speaking to each other.

Anna had another child. She gave birth to Kylee Madison in December of 2015. It seemed like she was doing well with her life and everyone is a bit shocked to hear that they are over.

What went down between Anna and Michael?

Last week, Anna shared saying, "stuff is about to change and when it does plz people dont blow me up not being mean." She didn't explain at all what was going on at the time. Now it turns out that she was talking about her big split from Michael that was coming. She did finally tell fans that it had to do with her relationship status, but didn't share the details right away.

Eventually, Anna Cardwell changed her relationship status and just simply removed it. Then Michael changed his, and it said separated.

That was all that it said. Then Anna shared the fact that she was back in McIntyre, Georgia. This is where she lived with her family, but Mama June doesn't live there anymore.

Anna Cardwell didn't share the entire details about what was going on with her. She did say that she still loves Michael. She also said that she always love him.

Anna is asking that people don't keep sending her messages about it. Right now, it really sounds like Anna doesn't want to talk about it and just wants to move on with her life. So far, it doesn't sound like Anna, and Michael Cardwell have filed for divorce. You never know when or if that step will end up coming for them.

There have been rumors over the years that Anna was trying to get her own spin-off show, but that never happened for her.

Now that she is single again, it probably won't at all. TLC seems to have moved on from their family considering that Mama June's show is on WE and not on TLC.

Are you shocked to hear that Anna and Michael have called it quits? Do you think that she will work things out with Mama June now? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss "Mama June: From Not to Hot" on Friday nights on WE.