"Big Little Lies" ended season one on HBO tonight. This show started out as a mini-series, but now the fans are begging for another season of this show. They really want more of it, even though at this time there is nothing else to tell at this time. It originally sounded like "Big Little Lies" was over but Reese Witherspoon actually gave fans hope that it could happen.
What did Reese Witherspoon say to get the fans excited?
Refinery 29 actually shared that Reese Witherspoon recently said something that gave fans the idea that this show could possibly end up coming back again. She told In Style her thoughts. Reese told them, "One of the main questions everyone keeps asking us is is there going to be a season 2," InStyle reports that Witherspoon said. "We've been talking with the writer, and you guys should Facebook Liane Moriarty and tell her how much you want to see Big Little Lies 2. That would be good. She's thinking about ideas, and so we would love to hear ideas."
The idea of a season two of "Big Little Lies" is really exciting.
As of right now, it is being called a mini-series, and that hasn't changed yet. The fans are already going nuts making a petition and going to Twitter trying to do everything they can to get the show to come back once again.
Nicole Kidman also admitted that she was sad when they wrapped up filming on "Big Little Lies." She also said that she would love to work with their director Vallee once again if she had the chance. Doing another season of "Big Little Lies" would be the perfect way to do that once again.
If the fans keep pushing, there is a chance that they will come up with a second season of "Big Little Lies." With this being a HBO show it wouldn't be surprising at all if they decided to do another season a year from now or further away.
For now, the fans are going to have to assume it isn't coming back and do all that they can to get that to change.
Are you hoping for season two of "Big Little Lies"? Do you think there is any chance that this show will end up coming back on HBO? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts.