The episode 2 of "The Originals" Season 4, titled “No Quarter,” is set to show Klaus as he suffers the consequences of the Tunde Blade. He and his ex-love Camille are set to join in hallucinations. In the meantime, the Mikaelsons are set to follow Hayley in their new mission to destroy Klaus from captivity. The CW has published photos for the Episode 2 of "The Originals" Season 4, which gives a sneak look at Cami (L. Pipes) and Klaus' reunion. The image shows the bartender speaking to Klaus, while the latter is limited to his chains.
Highlights and plot episode 1
On the last episode, season 4 kicked off five years after the Mikaelsons were all destroyed by their opponent. Hayley created a potion to wake them all up from their long slumber with the cooperation of the final wolf pack member. At the end of the chapter, Hope (S. Fontana) was drawing some strange symbols which also seemed in the form of graffiti all over New Orleans.
On the next episode of "The Originals," Hayley's attempts in finding a cure for the Mikaelsons' sleeping curse will lastly pay off, as Elijah and the rest of the family have risen. "After being woken and cured, the Mikaelson siblings meet Hayley in an effort to save Klaus from captivity - even if they must face Marcel (C.M.
Davis) in the process.
In the meantime, Klaus' demons emerge in unexpected ways as he suffers from the results of the Tunde Blade, and Vincent (Y. Gatewood) examines a haunting that will prove to be much eviler than he could have imagined," the episode synopsis published online reads.
Episode 2 teaser and spoilers
According to TV Line, the next chapter will feature Klaus fantasizing from the Tunde Blade and conjuring up images of his old love Camille O’Connell (L.
Pipes). The Tv series' executive producer Michael Narducci earlier announced that Camille will have an appearance in the next episode 2 of "The Originals" Season 4.
In fact, this has been confirmed by the new promotional teaser dropped by The CW on Monday. The episode 2 of "The Originals" Season 4 will air on Friday, March 24 at 8.00 pm EST on The CW.