"General Hospital" put on somewhat of a mediocre sweeps period for February. The writers banked on Nelle's (Chloe Lanier) secret coming out and Olivia Jerome (Tonja Walker) being back to drive up the viewership. Fans didn't engage as much because the story lines weren't up to par according to some and others just weren't interested in where things are headed.
Duke Lavery returns
The mention of Duke Lavery (Ian Buchanan) throughout the entire month of February alluded to a possible return. He was killed by Julian Jerome (William deVry) a while back, but he has "visited" in ghost form a time or two.
It appears that because Olivia is so obsessed with Duke and she did the ritual on Griffin (Matt Cohen), she is going to visualize her love there in front of her. According to Soap Opera Digest, Ian Buchanan teased fans with a message about watching today's episode and said: "you never know who might show up." Clearly, this was the announcement saying he was back for another day.
Now that Olivia has hurt Anna (Finola Hughes), the race is on for the others to find her. Everyone in Port Charles is now aware that the sister Julian was referring to was Olivia, not Ava (Maura West). They know she wanted what was in the basement and that is exactly where everyone is headed to find her, Anna just figured it out first.
"General Hospital" is going to be intense today, which is more up to par with what fans want.
What will happen to Olivia?
With Duke appearing, it is assumed that she will be talked down to him. Tonja Walker announced she wrapped her stint on "General Hospital" a few weeks ago, but didn't elaborate on how things ended. Because of the mention of her psych history, some fans believe she will be locked away where Heather Webber (Robin Mattson) is currently residing.
Walker did mention she would like to return at some point, so Olivia Jerome will not likely be killed off.
Tune into "General Hospital" today to find out what Duke Lavery is doing and how he appears to Olivia Jerome. Will his ghost be able to save his beloved Anna?