Kailyn Lowry is constantly under fire for something she has said or done. Most recently, she has been slammed for the way she treated her ex-husband, Javi Marroquin when he returned home from deployment. While this happened several months ago, the footage is just now airing on "Teen Mom 2."

Kailyn wants to do a book tour

On Twitter, Kailyn Lowry asked fans whether or not she should embark on a book tour to promote her latest endeavor.

It seems that most of her fans were excited about the prospect. Of course, several of her critics jumped on the chance to slam her. They asked her about delaying school again and also talked about how much time she would be giving up with her boys. That has been a problem this season, especially since she has been asking Jo Rivera to step up and help with Isaac way more than Vee is comfortable with. Could she manage a book tour and still make time for both of her boys?

It seems that several things have gone on since "Teen Mom 2" was filmed. Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin reportedly did a stint on "Marriage Boot Camp" to try and learn to communicate better.

That didn't work too well, especially since the two are battling openly on social media after each episode. When Lowry was asked about having more children on an episode of "Teen Mom 2 Live," she answered she wanted one more. That opened up the gates to Marroquin calling her out because he wanted more children and she refused.

What is next for the reality star

Right now, Kailyn Lowry is still going to school. She plans to graduate and do something with her life. "Teen Mom 2" is her job right now, and she is working to get to where she wants to be. A lot is going on, and she is reacting to what fans and critics are throwing at her. Unfortunately, not much about her looks good at the moment. The nasty comments and slams have gotten much worse with this season, and it doesn't look like there is an end in sight.

Living life in the public eye isn't easy, and Kailyn Lowry has had her fair share of bad moments.