Mama June Shannon is looking hot after all of her weight loss, and the world will get to see it on her new show "Mama June: From Not to Hot" which airs on WE on Friday nights. Now her daughter Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell is speaking out about how her mom is doing now. She has had Weight Loss Surgery and just doesn't even look the same. Mama June has been hiding out. She weighed over 400 lbs. at her heaviest, but now she is a lot smaller than that and everyone wants to see it from her.
So how is Mama June doing now?
Anna actually says that her mom has never felt better about herself.
It sounds like Mama Juen is a totally different person now. Anna said, "I think she's more into it now because she can wear blue jeans and she can wear all the clothes and stuff like that. And before she couldn't do that." She used to be really big, but June had weight loss surgery and also had surgery to remove the extra skin she had from losing all of the weight.
Anna actually talked to Us Magazine about it a while back, but they are now sharing what she had to say. “Whenever I saw her, my husband and I kind of said that she didn’t look that good when she had that extra skin on her." She actually said that the extra skin made it look like she was on meth, but of course, that wasn't the case.
It was actually just from losing all of the weight.
So far, Shannon hasn't shown off her new body. Everyone wants to see it. She is now a size four after surgery, but she isn't going to show it yet. It will happen on the show, but there is no word about how many episodes it will take before they show what she looks like now.
Mama June is now single, and Sugar Bear has gotten remarried to someone else.
Are you shocked to hear how much weight Mama June Shannon has lost now? Are you excited about her new show? Sound off in the comments section below on your thoughts, and don't miss new episodes of "Mama June: From Not to Hot" on Friday nights on WE. This is where you are going to get to see the big reveal of what Mama looks like now.