What's going down "General Hospital" fans? I'll answer that question for you. It's the new Thursday January 12th,2017 episode spoilers, so get excited, because we've got our hands on three, very interesting storylines to go over. Our TV Guide sources were responsible for this discovery. Apparently, there's going to be some very bad news that Nathan and Maxie will be delivering at some point.

It sounds like there will be much tension between Anna and Valentin as a challenge is raised, and more.

He's going to do it

To get these January 12th teasers started, I'm going to go over this Anna and Valentin storyline. It turns out that these two will have some sort of conflict going on in this episode. I've got my soaps.com sources, telling me that Valentin is going to issue her a challenge of some sort. Unfortunately, there were no other details to elaborate on this so-called challenge and what it will be. Then I've got some sources at Soapcentral, saying that Valentin is going to play a game of cat and mouse with her.

Again, no elaboration on the details of what all this will be about, so it'll certainly be interesting to see what's actually going on here.

Aww, how sweet

Next, we learn that we're going to see Alexis and Julian, getting along quite well as they describe that he is going to comfort her and offer her lots of support. There's not much else I can really say about that, but that it sounds very, very sweet. There doesn't appear to be any other dramatic situations that will arise with this situation at the moment. It sounds like Alexis will be doing ok though.

It's not good guys. Not good at all

However, things sound quite different with this last plotline teaser as it involves some really bad news as they describe that Maxie and Nathan will finally make their big return after searching low and high for Claudette.

They will have bad news, and that's all they would reveal. They don't say what the bad news pertains to. We could assume that it's about Claudette, but we don't really know. But yes. This will be a very big question, leading into the airing of this episode. Hopefully, we'll get some answers out of it, and not have it drag out. Stay tuned.