Triadic Reality understands that reality contains all there is. We are changing from a world based on binary thinking to triadic awareness. Triadic thought embraces ethics and aesthetics. These three terms contain all else.

Triadic thinking recasts the remnants of religion and names these antecedents spirituality.

Religion is slowly but surely evolving into spiritual practice.

This transition was made quite clear when “Star Wars” used the term “force” as a synonym for an unfathomable deity.

False binary

It is essential that those who see the decline of religion as a vindication of atheism, understand that the opposition of god versus no god is binary thinking.

The “force” points to what we do not yet know. The best policy is to see that we all need some form of spiritual sustenance.

We no longer live in a world where we are subject to the strictures and creeds of the world’s religions. Triadic Philosophy is built on the understanding that spirituality is essentially the activation of conscience and consciousness of each individual.


This consciousness is linked to the entire reality that is, to what we may call the cosmos or everything. All binary oppositions collapse under the light shone by the transformative premises of Triadic Philosophy.

Two precursors to Triadic Philosophy are Fredrich Nietzsche and Ludwig Wittgenstein.

Two pioneers

Nietzsche correctly concluded that the overcoming individual is the pioneer of a world that leaves binary thought behind.

That individual is the lawgiver, the creator of the values upon which mastery is achieved. This was and remains a huge achievement.

Wittgenstein upended philosophy with his hyper-iconoclastic dispatch of the discipline in his most famous initial work known as “Tractatus.” He limits provable thinking to what we regard as real in the sense that when you tap on something there is resistance. But he concludes that most of what is most important is unspeakable, that is to say unprovable.


Both Nietzsche and Wittgenstein were spiritual pioneers of the first order. One reason for this is their demonstrable fallibility. Both men led unhappy and frustrating lives and both were hardly angels.

They join my pantheon of originators.

The pantheon includes at the very head the American originator of pragmaticism, Charles Sanders Peirce.

Pragmaticism is not a misprint. It is the term Peirce coined when pragmatism, which he also invented, was shorn of its universal spiritual roots.


The huge collapse underway was anticipated by Nietzsche. It is necessary to wake the world up from its most debilitating binary misunderstanding. I am speaking of the separation of all society into masters and slaves, rulers and the ruled. If we continue to accept this and construct theories around its impenetrable logic we fail to see that freedom, our very power of choice, is killed in the bargain.

Fortunately, freedom is more resilient than the fading power of binary thought. We are on the cusp of moral evolution starting by the recovery of persons as the locus of elements that are universal and oriented to a good future.