It is so easy to get swept up in the mundane day-to-day routine, and structured busyness we implement into our lives. This form of behavior can be quite consequential, and if not monitored and can consume quite a lot of the precious time we have on this earth.

People always come up with excuses as to why they can't go to different countries, and why they never have the time or money to break away.

This form of thinking can be quite damaging because it plants a seed of doubt, and in-turn can prevent you from exploring this beautiful planet.

The philosophy of travel

This is why Travel is so important.

Not only does it allow you to see different parts of the world, experience new cultures, gain different perspectives; moreover, it allows you to take a mental break, and revisit the perspective of your own life.

This is why if a window for travel presents its self and the monetary support is there, book that flight! It's also a way to strengthen a relationship with a loved one or a friend. Traveling pushes you to explore and learn new things.

It also opens your eyes to different ways of living and viewing the world and learning about other cultures histories.

One of the greatest gifts traveling presents it the friendships that can be made while meeting people from other countries. While in Peru I met an Australian couple and we went to a cafe and talked politics for over 2 hours. It was one of the deepest conversations I have ever had. I also met a couple from Sweeden and our only bridge for communication was speaking Spanish.

That is why my philosophy is to travel as much as I can and save up so that I can continually go on new adventures. Always take advantage of those windows.

Travel in practice

I just recently came back from a trip to London, England where I spent 10 days exploring, and touring around the city.

I booked my flight because a band I have been listening to since the early 2000's was finally putting a show on together. The group's name is Blackstar. I saw a window and had the money to book this trip so I took it. I flew out with a friend, and we made sure to fill each day with as many new and exciting activities we could do to get a feel for the city. We learned the train system quick and spent all our money on transit and food.

We found a cafe that served some of the best tea I have ever had in my life, along with an Italian restaurant that served the best pasta I have ever had. The fish and chips were to die for and everything including the coffee was amazing.

The hilite was the concert, and it was well placed for the end of the trip.

I was so happy to see Blackstar perform live, and I danced my face of the entire show. After the show was over I went down a few alleys where I found an open door with a security guard. I waited for about 30 minutes before Blackstar came outside to catch their ride and I was able to get their autographs and speak with them. That moment alone was worth the flight from Canada to England.

I got my travel bug by visiting Peru frequently. My family lives down there, and every couple years I make sure to save up and book a trip down there.

Peru is beautiful, the weather is nice and I emerge myself in the Spanish language and culture.

When I visit I know I am living my life to the fullest, and really find a connection with the country and find a sense of peace.

Therefore, in conclusion, I urge you to save and find windows to travel. It will allow you to have a fresh break from your life back home and have you dreaming of your next adventure.