In the wake of Raina St. Patrick’s death, James “Ghost” St. Patrick faces the consequences of his past, as a parent’s worst nightmare comes true. His daughter is now dead; his son, Tariq St. Patrick turns into a street thug—becoming a reflection of his father, while Tasha “Mrs.” St. Patrick sacrifices her life and freedom for their son Tariq.

Ghost, the protagonist of the story, is a violent drug dealer who grew up hustling in the streets of South Jamaica Queens.

It started with Ghost and Tommy (Ghost's partner), selling drugs for Kanan. Ghost plots to have Kanan sent to jail to become independent and gain full control of the territory. Once established in the game, Ghost became a drug boss and owner of a nightclub in NYC called Truth. #Ghost and Tommy run the club as a front to clean dirty money. After realizing the success of the club, Ghost has desires to become a legit business man. He faces many challenges and obstacles along the way to say the least, as his past comes back to haunt him.

A Story of Redemption

As Ghost tries to separate himself from the life, he soon realizes there is no way out, he is too deep in the game.

James St. Patrick can never escape his reality no matter how hard he tries. Every move and decision that Ghost makes causes a slippery slope of events, that ended with his daughter’s death in episode 410. It’s a story of redemption that one seeks but never attains.

The story develops in a fascinating way as we see a determined man who always finds a way to get what he wants no matter the cost. I think the intriguing aspect of James St. Patrick's character is how he operates in duplicity, many people can relate to that. It is not your common gangster storyline, as 50 Cent would say, to “Get Rich or Die Trying.” Ghost was already rich and he still starved for more. However, it was not more money he sought after, it was a new life.

In seeking out this new life Ghost causes a spiral of life-altering events. Ghost’s narrative is one of desire, a feeling so strong to become someone he cannot be. He is still connected to the life and cannot find a way out. Ghost runs from his truth while fighting his inner demons to become his alter ego.

The Finale

Fans believe that Ghost accepted his true self, when he sought revenge for the death of his daughter and when his childhood crew, Kanan, and Tommy reunite to kill a common enemy. “Power” has significant narratives and character development. Every character connects to the other in some way, all connecting to the back story of Ghost. The storyline will take a turn in the upcoming seasons.

Don’t be fooled by thinking that you know what to expect, “Power” has a way of adding unforeseen obstacles into this dramatic TV series. The show keeps you connected with each episode, whether you are angry, sad, or shocked. I look forward to seeing how the story continues to develop. It would be nice to have at least 11 episodes, but we will see what the future holds for "Power" on Starz. Courtney Kemp and 50 Cent have raised the bar on gangster storytelling for TV. “Power” is clever and sultry, it gets your blood bubbling. I give “Power” two thumbs up.

“Power” Season 5 comes back in 2018.