The Biden administration is serious about climate change and wants Renewable Energy to play a leading role. It plans to install wind farms that would occupy nearly 250,000 acres of the coast of California. Such a setup could generate enough electricity and provide power to 1.6 million homes. Wind power, a form of renewable energy, could reduce climate-warming emissions. After taking over the reins, Joe Biden issued executive orders on climate change and decided to rejoin the Paris accord.

The previous Trump administration did not attach importance to this issue, and Biden made amends by correcting the picture. He wants the country to reduce dependence on conventional fossil fuels and switch over to renewable energy.

Los Angeles Times reports that the administration identified two areas for the wind power projects. These are in Morro Bay and Humboldt Bay. Gina McCarthy describes the government’s plan as a “breakthrough.” She is senior climate change advisor to President Biden. In her words: “It’s an announcement that will set the stage for the long-term development of clean energy and the growth of a brand-new made-in-America industry.”

The wind power project would benefit California


Gavin Newsom had tried to promote offshore wind power under the Trump administration. However, it did not materialize, but the new administration is supportive. The governor says he would earmark an area at least 20 miles offshore to accommodate roughly 380 wind turbines. Los Angeles Times quotes him saying: “This is a game-changing energy production facility.” This is because communities in the state of California will reap the benefits. A news report of October 2017 mentioned that wind farms would energize the world. This form of energy is clean with no greenhouse gas emissions. Many countries in Europe have implemented it, and the United States appears to be a late entrant.

Existing wind farms are in the Atlantic Ocean

America has two wind farms in the Atlantic Ocean, and the attention would now shift to the East Coast. There are plans to set up some projects in the region. Wind farm developers have shown interest, but there are challenges. Los Angeles Times says some of these are the steep drop-off of the Pacific Ocean and the concerns associated with the new infrastructure that would be required. This could hurt migratory birds, marine life and fisheries. Moreover, the Department of Defense also has reservations. In their opinion, wind farms in the region could interfere with the activities of the military. Talks are on between the agencies to identify suitable locations without disturbing the work of the military.

The Biden administration wants to fight climate change by substituting energy from fossil fuels with cleaner technology like solar and wind energy. Solar power, a form of renewable energy, would play a significant role over the next decade.

Investment in renewable energy would be a game-changing one

According to NBC News, California Gov. Gavin Newsom looks at wind farms as a game-changing investment in a green energy future. The Biden administration is serious about offshore wind farms. The governor indicated California had made budgetary allocation for transferring electricity from offshore farms to the consumers. He admits it would not be easy and might require “new floating offshore wind technology.” Right now, the U.S.

has seven wind turbines. All of these are off the East Coast, and only one is operational. President Joe Biden has set his goals to zero out greenhouse gas emission from the power sector by 2035 and economy-wide by 2050. Obviously, there is a need to explore renewable energy sources. Incidentally, Australia relies in a big way on solar power, a form of renewable energy.