The election in November promises to be interesting with Donald Trump pitched against Joe Biden. While the former wants another term as President, the latter and his party want to deny that to the present incumbent. A media house conducted a poll and it reveals a trend that might not find favor with the Republican Party. The poll puts Biden ahead of Trump by eight is 49 percent versus 41 percent. These figures could change with the passage of time.
At this juncture, the president appears to be the favorite of male and white voters but his opponent wins on all other counts.
Of course, President Trump does not believe in such polls. In his words: “First of all, I'm not losing, because those are fake polls. They were fake in 2016 and now they're even more fake. The polls were much worse in 2016.” In his opinion, such polls will prove to be wrong as was seen when he won against Hillary Clinton in 2016. He remains noncommittal on the subject of whether he would willingly accept the results of the election in November, whatever it might be.
Joe Biden leads Pres. Trump on trust to handle the coronavirus pandemic by a 20-point margin, 54-34%, new @ABC News/WaPo poll finds. The two had been virtually tied on the issue in late March.
— ABC News (@ABC) July 20, 2020
Daily Mail UK says the poll was held between July 12-15.
It reveals Trump has a lead of five percentage points among male voters but Biden leads by nine points when it comes to women. Apart from the white voters, the former Vice President Joe Biden is ahead of Trump in all other areas. The Democrats expect the bulk of votes to come from the non-white voters.
Trump not in favor of mail-in voting
In the course of a meeting with a popular media house, Trump said he was not in favor of mail-in voting. He felt the Democratic Party could rig the election results using this system. Incidentally, as per the polls quoted, only a small percent of voters want the election held fully in-person.
The breakdown is interesting – 31 percent are for both in-person and mail-in voting, while 25 percent want would like to see elections held completely through the mail. In the age of the Coronavirus and social distancing, this could be a better option.
Under siege over the coronavirus, continued protests, and bad polls versus Joe Biden, the president had a contentious interview with Fox News.
— USA TODAY Politics (@usatodayDC) July 19, 2020
The future for Trump
Daily Mail UK goes on to add that on the subject of mail-in voting, Biden's campaign said, “The American people will decide this election. And the United States government is perfectly capable of escorting trespassers out of the White House.” Recently, Joe Biden had expressed worries that Trump might refuse to leave White House if he does not get a second term.
Percentage-wise, 58 percent in the age group 18-30 expressed their support for Biden compared to 22 percent for Trump. Even among independents, the scales tipped in favor of Biden. The polls covered 1,104 registered voters and 45 percent approved the job Trump is doing as president. However, seven percent of them indicated a preference for Biden in November.
Donald Trump on coronavirus
According to CNBC, during his interview with a section of the media, Trump repeatedly downplayed the issue of coronavirus. This disease has infected millions of people in the United States and killed thousands. Trump does not attach much importance to it and explains it away as the outcome of doing extensive tests.
In view of the spread of the pandemic, some states want to accommodate mail-in voting to reduce the risk of infection at in-person voting locations in November.
Trump previously attacked efforts made by officials in Michigan and Nevada to go in for such a system. He has reiterated his stand and said, “I think mail-in voting is going to rig the election. I really do.” He also blamed the attitude of Democrats saying that they are trying to damage his reelection prospects. They are doing this by intentionally keeping the economy shut down. As a result, his campaign was unable to host rallies in Michigan, Minnesota, and Nevada.