28-year-old socialist and former bartender Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins a democratic congressional primary against 10-term New York Congressman Joseph Crowley.
Ocasio-Cortez victory shook up the mid-term 2018 elections creating a political upset. The newcomer won by 15 points with 57.5 percent of the vote in opposition to Crowley's 42.5 percent, according to the LA Times.
Crowley's stunning defeat came as a shock to the first time candidate, Democratic socialist, Alexandria Oscasio-Cortez.
Crowley is the fourth-ranking congressional Democrat and chairman of the Democratic caucus. According to the Los Angeles Times, Crowley was seen as most likely to replace House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi.
Crowley congratulated the first time candidate by dedicating Bruce Springsteen's hit "Born to Run."
President Donald Trump celebrated Crowley's defeat on Twitter.
Who is the new face of the democratic party
According to CBS, Ocasio-Cortez is a Bronx, New York Puerto Rican native who helped organized Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders Presidential Campaign. She is a socialist and activist who protested against the natural gas pipeline in North Dakota and worked with Bronx progressives to lobby Crowley's office.
The 28-year-old is part of the Democratic Socialist of America. She is not the typical congressional candidate. Ocasio-Cortez told RemezCLA that she speaks like a girl from the block because she learned Spanish on the streets. She comes from a working-class family and helped her family by working several jobs. She had a day job, worked as a waitress, and bartend until November 2018.
The Platform and Campaign
Ocasio-Cortez ran on a very popular progressive platform. She wants free healthcare, free college education, guarantee a federal job to anyone who wants it, and abolish Immigration Customs Enforcement also known as ICE.
The democratic socialist took her campaign to the streets and personally hand out flyers to the community.
She told RemezCLA, she was able to turn in 5,480 signatures to the board of elections with no money to get on the ballot for the congressional primary election.
The first time candidate raised $127,000 in campaign funds. The newcomer told CBS, she did not take money from corporations. Crowley's raised over a $1 million with help of donations from various corporations.
Ocasio-Cortez told CNN, "When you know your community, it gives you an edge to win."
What's Next
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez could be the youngest female to ever be elected into congress.