It was earlier this month when Hope Hicks resigned as White House Communications Director, causing yet another departure in the Donald Trump administration. As Hicks made her way out of the White House for the final time, she shared an awkward moment with the president.

Trump and Hicks

During the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump vowed to hire only the "best people" in his administration if he was elected to office.

Fast forward to Trump's inauguration and many questions were raised as to the quality of his team. In the 14 months that he's been in office, Trump has been forced to deal with numerous resignations and firings, creating a revolving door at the White House. One of the latest exits comes in the former of Hope Hicks, the now former White House Communications Director who came under fire after admitting she told white lies about the president in an attempt to cover up certain aspects of the administration.

After reports of Donald Trump not being pleased with how Hope Hicks handled the questioning, she quickly announced her resignation.

As reported by NBC News on March 29, a video was posted of Hicks leaving the White House, showing her embracing the president and getting a kiss directly on her cheek. In response, Trump critics wasted no time firing back.

Twitter backlash

Within moments of Donald Trump's awkward goodbye kiss to Hope Hicks, social media quickly went viral with mockery. "Was it just me or was that kinda weird af?" one tweet wondered, with a reply answering, "Yes weird. Vomit inducing weird."

"How weird to KISS her. Skeevy," a Twitter user wrote. "Hmmm...not a good sign when the COMMUNICATIONS director is already declining questions. Oh boy," a follow-up tweet pointed out. "Signing on with the Trump regime will get you ostracized from society for the rest of your life.

Nobody wants to be associated with someone who supports that idiot," another tweet noted.

"Keep the dress honey it'll come in handy later," a social media user sarcastically tweeted out. "Just a little kiss? He can’t help himself surprised he didn’t grab her if you know what I mean. SAD AND PATHETIC Trump resides in the W.H." yet another tweet stated. As the backlash continued to pour in, it showed that the opposition to Donald Trump and the current administration was not going to be slowing down at any point in the near future, with the president's approval ratings remaining at all-time lows.