Donald Trump's feud with the mainstream media has been ongoing for over two years and it doesn't show any signs of slowing down. In his latest rant on social media, the president has decided to go back and attack the New York Times, but once again forgot to use spellcheck.

Trump on Twitter

During the early stages of the 2016 presidential election, Donald Trump and the press were clearly at odds.

Whether it was print media, cable news, or individual reporters, the former host of "The Apprentice" was not happy with how he was covered during the election, and since his inauguration last January. As a way to bypass the traditional press, Trump used social media to get his message across, while pandering to his right-wing base that has long been sour on the alleged "liberal" media. Following his election win over Hillary Clinton, Trump has only increased his attacks on the press, which include labeling any story he doesn't agree with as "fake news." The billionaire real estate mogul has routinely lashed out at CNN and the New York Times, going as far as giving the newspaper the nickname of "failing." After Times' reporter Peter Baker published an article this week highlighting Trump's inability to follow through on his campaign promises, the president fired back during a pair of tweets on October 15.

Taking to Twitter on Sunday morning, Donald Trump was not happy with the New York Times and the aforementioned article by Peter Baker, while giving the paper a few suggestions on how to cover him in the future. "The Failing @nytimes, in a story by Peter Baker, should have mentioned the rapid terminations by me of TPP & The Paris Accord & the fast approvals of The Keystone XL & Dakota Access pipelines," Trump tweeted.

Not stopping there, Donald Trump continued to pile on his alleged accomplishments. "Also, look at the recent EPA cancelations & our great new Supreme Court Justice," he added, while misspelling the word "cancellations" as "cancelations.". In an ironic twist, what Trump touts as his great successes in the early stages of his presidency haven't exactly gone over well with the majority of the American people.

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As Donald Trump brags about pushing back from Climate Change in the form of EPA regulations being cut, pulling out of the Paris Accord, and extending the Keystone XL pipeline, his poll numbers have not matched his attempt at a positive spin. According to the most recent round of polling, Trump has a favorability rating of just 35 percent, which doesn't look to be increasing at any point in the near future.