It is unsure whether Amazon sold out of the product or took it down after complaints, but as at Friday, the Internet retail giant was offering “Donald Trump Classic Tweets Toilet Paper” to its Prime customers for a princely $11.99.

Amazon and Toilet Tweets offer the best gifts

The web page is still up on the Amazon website, showing the toilet paper with its memorable printed messages.

Originally the product was being sold by a third-party company by the name Toilet Tweets, but the page did state delivery was to be "fulfilled by Amazon." Gift-wrapping was even available for the product for that “perfect” gift. However, the page now carries the message that the item is “currently unavailable” and noting that Amazon doesn’t know if or when that item will be back in stock. It is to be noted that the product only received a three-star rating on Amazon.

Out of stock or removed from Amazon?

While the product may have been removed after complaints, the International Business Times reports that the supplier had sent a tweet to say they had sold out of the product, but that a new shipment was heading to Amazon and will hopefully be available soon.

However, an investigation of their @TurdTweetin Twitter feed revealed no such tweet. The Daily Star is reporting that the product had been removed from Amazon within hours after the company received complaints that it was “disrespectful” to the U.S. President.

Classic and memorable tweets by Donald Trump

Among the classic tweets were some memorable messages from the years before Trump was elected as U.S. president.

One of the more notable tweets from 2014 asked if you are allowed to impeach a president for gross incompetence. Another from 2013 stated Trump's wish that the U.S. stay out of Syria. Rather ironically, another tweet from 2013 asked if Russian President Vladimir Putin was attending the Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow and asking if he would be his (Trump’s) “new best friend.” Another stroke of irony from 2012 went on to say the Electoral College was a disaster for democracy.

Trump’s attack on comedian Rosie O’Donnell also features from 2014.

While the description has since been removed from the Amazon page for the toilet paper, the International Business Times noted that the product had been labeled as featuring ten of Trump’s tweets that were "most suitable for flushing." Naturally, the Internet, being the Internet, enjoyed the news and many comic tweets were sent, while others complained about the product, tweeting that it was “disrespectful” to the U.S. President.

There have so far been no tweets from the tweet-master himself on the subject. However, the Washington Examiner did note that Trump has recently criticized Jeff Bezos, the CEO of Amazon. It was while Trump was accusing the Washington Post, also owned by Bezos, of publishing “fake news" that he said Bezos was using the newspaper to protect Amazon from paying higher taxes.