Donald Trump Jr. was on the cover of Time Magazine, but the photo op wasn't as impressive as it ought to be. In big bold letters, the cover screamed the words 'Red Handed.'

What does the cover show?

Time magazine's cover photo also included an overlay of the controversial e-mail exchange between Trump Jr. and publicist Rob Goldstone. The e-mail reveals that the latter approached the president's son to set a meeting with a lawyer, who works with some Russian government officials.

In the overlaid e-mail background, it can be seen that the subject line says that the message is confidential and that it is about Russia and Clinton. The content of the e-mails was laid out on the whole page of the magazine's cover page.

The cover story was titled “Red Handed” with a second headline, “The Russia Scandal Hits Home.” Although this issue of Time Magazine will come out only on July 24, the publication, however, leaked the cover photo on July 13 through its official Twitter account. In the tweet, the magazine included a short clip showing a copy of the entire e-mail exchange of Trump Jr.

President Donald Trump's response

President Trump on Wednesday had an interview with Reuters regarding the controversial e-mail.

Apparently, Trump had no idea about the contents of the e-mail until it came out a couple of days ago. President Trump had also asserted that he was not aware that his son Trump Jr was meeting with Natalia Veselnitskaya, who at the time was referred to as a Russian government lawyer.

President Trump, however, stated that such kind of meeting would be valid. He justified that a lot of people who are involved in politics or a political campaign would also agree to attend such kind of meeting, as it involved opposition research.

“My son is a wonderful young man,” Mr. Trump said during a news conference in Paris with the French President Emmanuel Macron.

“He took a meeting with a Russian lawyer. Not a government lawyer; a Russian lawyer,” he said, according to a report by New York Times.

Meanwhile, President Donald Trump also revealed that he asked Russian president Vladimir Putin regarding the alleged election interference as the U.S. intelligence officials had reported that Russia meddled in the 2016 presidential campaign. According to Trump, the meeting between him and Putin in Germany last week lasted for more than two hours. Putin firmly said he was not involved in any kind of interference.

Check out below video where the older Trump talks about the issue.