An American Airlines flight had to make an emergency landing. The emergency landing took place at the Raleigh-Durham International Airport. According to a Sunday, July 16th report by Fox 8 News in High Point, North Carolina, a passenger allegedly passed gas and the airplane had to land.

Passengers become sick aboard American Airlines flight

On Sunday, July 16th, passengers became sick after one of them allegedly passed gas.

Because of this, the passengers on the airplane had to be removed from the airplane once it landed. At the time of publication, the name of the person who allegedly passed the gas and caused the airplane to have to make the emergency landing has not been identified.

The complaints of the American Airlines passengers

Passengers on the flight complained of suffering from both nausea and headaches. Because of this, they were all removed from the airplane as soon as it landed. At the time of publication, it was unknown the exact number of passengers who complained of those symptoms. It is also unknown how many were removed from the airplane.

Authorities investigate the emergency landing of the airplane

According to the previously mentioned report by Fox 8 News, authorities had investigated the incident. Those officials ascertained the reason for nausea and headaches was another passenger passed gas. Those officials stated it was a “medical call.” The officials did not explain what they meant by "medical call."

Not much information released at this point

At the time of publication, The Raleigh-Durham International Airport had not released specific information about which American Airlines flight it was. It is also unknown where the flight had originated from. Those officials also did not release where the American Airlines' airplane was supposed to land.

Although there has not been a lot of information released at this point about the incident aboard the American Airlines flight, the cause of the emergency landing has been made clear.

Let us know what you think. Was it truly bad enough to have to land the American Airlines flight? Is passing gas enough to warrant an emergency landing? Were some of the passengers really made sick by another passenger passing gas? Could their symptoms have been caused by something else? Have you ever been made sick by someone passing gas? Please share your thoughts and feelings in the comment section below.