President Donald Trump said about the "great involvement" of the US in the affairs with Ukraine. He said it at a meeting with the Ukrainian President Peter Poroshenko in the Oval Office, Washington, according to the National Public Radio.

The meeting was also attended by the US Vice President Mike Pence and national security adviser Herbert McMaster.

Both Trump and Poroshenko described the meeting as a great honor, and Trump said that the US had much involvement with Ukraine.

Ukrainian leader was confident in the meeting

The Ukrainian leader, in turn, expressed confidence that the cooperation between Kiev and Washington would bring peace to Ukraine and support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the country.

The meeting between Donald Trump and Peter Poroshenko took place on June 20, after the United States had imposed new sanctions against Russia. After the meeting, the Ukrainian President said that he was satisfied with the results of the meeting and "thanked the partners for supporting Ukraine."

During the meeting, the parties discussed the peaceful resolution of the conflict in the Donbass, as well as the fight against corruption and reforms in Ukraine.

The United States imposed new sanctions against Russia

The United States imposed new sanctions against Russian companies and citizens and the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk republics on June 20. The list of sanctions included two Russian officials and 36 other individuals. This step was explained by the US authorities with the intention to resist "attempts to circumvent" the sanctions imposed earlier.

In a statement published by the White House on its results, it was noted that participants focused on the issues of peaceful resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, as well as on the program of reforms of President Poroshenko and his efforts in the fight against corruption. The official statement did not mention Minsk agreements of 2015, which called on Russia to stop supporting separatists in the east of Ukraine.

Recently, the U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson raised questions which were intended to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine about whether the U.S. was fully behind the Minsk agreements.

Poroshenko met Mike Pence

Earlier on Tuesday, the White House held a separate meeting between Mike Pence and Petro Poroshenko.

Reportedly, during that meeting, the Vice-President again stressed the US commitment to the peaceful resolution of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, as well as support for the reforms carried out by Peter Poroshenko.

Despite the absence of mentioning the Minsk agreements in the White House, the US Vice-President expressed the support for the Normandy negotiations on the implementation of the Minsk agreements and stressed the importance of continuing reforms designed to defeat corruption, improve the business climate in Ukraine and ensure the implementation of the IMF program in Ukraine.