Terror attacks have rocked England. It is now confirmed that all the attacks were the handiwork of extremist Muslims and the ISIS has claimed credit for them. The last three weeks have been particularly harrowing, and nearly 42 have been killed. The attacks have been condemned by Donald Trump, the American president. He has pointed out that the response to the terror attack has been "pathetic."

Not to be outdone the London Mayor Sadiq Khan suggested that the state visit of Donald Trump to England in January be canceĺed.

He appeared on Channel 4 News on Monday and said that Trump was "wrong" about "many things" and his State Visit should be canceled. His exact words on Channel 4 were" I don't think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go against everything we stand for."The UK Foreign Minister has stated that there is no ground for the cancellation of the state visit. CNN International reports this news.

Sadiq Khan

Sadiq Khan is the mayor of London. He is a practicing Muslim and traces his roots to Pakistan. After the last terror attack in London Sadik commented that those who indulged in such attacks did not represent the Muslim religion.

He further mentioned that there was " no cause for worry."

The US president has a sharp mind. He quickly latched on these words of Khan. He tweeted that Sadik-Khan was covering up the terror attack and the Muslim angle.

Police failure

Donald's tweets have infuriated the London Mayor who is unable to explain how all the attackers belong to a particular religion. He has given vent to his ire and called that the state visit of the US President to England be postponed or canceled. This is an attempt to digress from the criticism against him for the failure of the London police to stop the terror attacks. Now it is known that the response of the police has not been adequate as most of the attackers were already on the police radar.

The London police come under the mayor. He was against the UK leaving the EU. He is also against any restrictions on migrants entering the UK. Khan has to explain why he is apologetic about the terror attacks and not stating explicitly as the handiwork of radical Islamic groups.

Last word

Theresa May has compounded the issue by stating to reporters on Monday “Sadiq Khan is doing a good job and it’s wrong to say anything else – he’s doing a good job" The Guardian reports this.
