An orange county Sheriff’s Department helicopter was hovering over San Onofre State Beach and Capistrano Beach on Wednesday to warn surfers, paddle boarders, and swimmers of the chilling proximity of around 15 Great White Sharks. As reported by Blasting News, a surfer was attacked by a shark off San Onofre two weeks ago.

Swimmers and surfers warned to calming leave the water

Deputy Brian Stockbridge was in that helicopter, passing on requests from State Park officials, urging anyone in the water to leave in a calm manner. According to Stockbridge, the 15 sharks were “as close as the surf line.” He also warned people on the beach not to enter the water.

This latest warning to swimmers is one of the several advisories issued in recent weeks, especially following the shark attack off San Onofre. Great white sharks have recently been migrating to the Southern California coast after wintering off Baja California. Marine experts say that the abundant food supply and warm waters have attracted young sharks into the area.

As reported by the OC Register, around four juvenile sharks have recently been spotted in the shallow waters off Long Beach. Chief Jason Young of the Orange County Lifeguards said there were also two reports of shark sightings around Capo Beach.

According to Young, it was not an official ocean closure, as they have no reports of swimmers being charged or bumped, however, there have been several observations of sharks breaching or swimming in the area.

Authorities at the U.S. Marine base at Camp Pendleton have also been urging swimmers and beachgoers to keep away from the water. Officials posted on Facebook to warn of an aggressive shark that had been spotted on Wednesday at the popular Church surfing spot at San Onofre, the site of the shark attack two weeks ago.

Shark attack victim slowly recovering

The LA Times reports that Leeanne Ericson, 35, is having a slow recovery after the shark attack she experienced two weeks ago at the San Onofre surf break. Christine Leidle, Ericson’s mother, posted a messaged on a GoFundMe page for Leanne, where she said her daughter is now able to talk to the family and is breathing on her own. Leidle added that she is in good spirits.

During the shark attack, Ericson was bitten on the right thigh and buttock and has reportedly undergone two operations, with more likely to follow. It is reportedly unclear whether the single mom of three will be able to walk again, as doctors attempt to repair nerve damage to the leg.