It's been less than a week since Republicans in the House of Representatives voted to repeal the affordable care act, or Obamacare. Since then, the party has faced increased criticism, even from some in the conservative media.
Fox News on GOP
The fight over health care is not new, but seems to be growing by the day. Even before Obamacare was a thought, Republicans and Democrats were divided on how to move forward with the issue. The topic became a partisan fight during the Bill Clinton administration during the early 1990s, with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton famously doing her best to push for a more liberal system.
Over the next decade, former Sen. Ted Kennedy made fighting for health care his top priority until his death in 2009. Since the election of Barack Obama, the Affordable Care Act has been one of the most divisive polices in Washington, with Republicans doing everything in their power to reverse the law. With the election of Donald Trump last November, and with Republicans in majority-control of both chambers of Congress, conservatives have their best shot to change health care once again. As seen during the May 7 edition of "Fox News Sunday," the debate over the issue was on display.
Joining Fox News host Chris Wallace on Sunday was White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. While Fox News is typically known for its more conservatives views, and often strong support of Donald Trump, Wallace has gone rouge at times and been tough on the administration.
The conversation got heated when Wallace pressed Preibus on how the new plan impacts those with pre-excising conditions, while citing a report from the Congressional Budget Office who said that 24 million people could lose their insurance under the plan over the next decade.
White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus on health care: “Sometimes in life you have to do what’s right, not...
— FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) May 7, 2017
"That is not taking care of everybody like the president promised," Chris Wallace said.
"You’re rolling back Medicaid," Wallace continued, before adding, "older people are going to end up paying five times as much or even more." When Reince Priebus claimed that those details were in relation to the first incarnation of the health care plan, Wallace fired back, "that's the part that stays!" Priebus then accused Wallace of "getting into the weeds," before doing his best to shift the conversation in another direction.
‘Older people are going to be paying five times more’: Fox’s Chris Wallace smacks down Priebus on Trumpcare
— Raw Story (@RawStory) May 7, 2017
Next up
As Republicans look to take the next step in their fight over health care, the bill will now make its way to the Senate. While Donald Trump is expected to sign the bill in the near future, Democrats, the mainstream media, and even some on the political right appear ready to keep that fight going into the future.