On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s sanctuary order received a huge blow when a judge at the San Francisco courthouse struck down his sanctuary order. The President's executive order would withhold funding from states that offer sanctuary to illegal immigrants. The administration had set in place the law to punish states that are not complying with immigration officials by offering a place of refuge to people that are illegal immigrants.

Trump's sanctuary order received a huge blow

Judge William H. Orrick of the U. S. District Court, in his verdict reiterated that the United States President had abused his power when he issued the executive order back in January.

The Judge wrote that only the congressional body could cut off financial funding from U.S. states. President Trump had approved billions of dollars from the Federal Reserve to help tackle the burgeoning immigration problem that has spread throughout almost every U.S. state.

However, while he was trying to accomplish one of his campaign promises, The President will have to find another way to fulfill this election promise. And now that the Trump administration had reached its first 100 days in office, the huge blow serves as a major setback to his young presidency. This judicial setback makes it the third immigration order that the federal courts have struck down.

Judge ordered temporary injunction against Trump

Judge Orrick's decision follows the two previous rulings that were made against Donald Trump’s temporary travel ban that prevents natives from Muslim countries from entering the United States. Lawyers for the Justice Department argued that the U.S. government has no intention of withholding large amounts of cash from the sanctuary states.

However, the judge used the President and the Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ words against them. Both men had earlier stated that the punishment would be great for those who did not abide by the executive order.

The Judge’s order is a temporary injunction that will remain in place until he issues a much broader ruling. Constitutionality will be the most important factor that the San Francisco judge will consider when he offers his final decision.

However, this ruling helps to answer the question of whether politicians can coerce U.S. states to seek out illegal immigrants and turned them over to immigration officials for deportation.

President Trump often criticizes any judge that rules against his executive orders. The White House in a statement said that while Donald Trump is trying to create a new policy to help tackle the nation's illegal immigration problem, another judge has once again ignored the federal immigration law.