With the ongoing investigation into #Russian meddling in the US election this week, Mr Kushner, Trump's son in law, is being interviewed by The Senate Committee. There is no indication at this point that Kushner is the focus of this investigation, and he has not yet spoken to The Fbi or questioned by any of their officials.
Kushner did in fact meet with Sergey Kislyak, a Russian ambassador, who has become a leading figure in the controversy over Russian communications with Trump's team. There has been a trend with Kislyak’s meetings proving problematic with Trump administration officials.
Even though many in the press are wondering about the scope of Kushner's conferences with Kislyak, the #FBI are not at this point stepping in to lead proceedings or to make a judgment about the issue.
Jared Kushner has just returned from a holiday with his wife Ivanka Trump, during which they escaped the healthcare melee that was taking place in Washington, and which he had no interest of pursuing as a political issue.