In an interview broadcast by Fox News on Tuesday morning, President Trump accused his predecessor Barack Obama of being the driving force behind the recent backlash against Republican lawmakers in town halls across the nation. The intense level of public frustration and anger at the direction the country has taken under the Trump administration seems to have caught the GOP off guard, causing many Republicans to cancel future meetings with their constituents for fear of being mocked and ridiculed.

Marco Rubio, who challenged President Trump for the Republican nomination, was roundly criticized for his attitude towards the protests and told CBS4-Miami that he questioned the relevance of such gatherings stating 'people get rude and stupid - on both sides.' While not explicitly laying the blame at any one individual for the demonstrations, his fellow Republicans in other states have canceled future town halls or handpicked attendees in order to avoid further humiliation. Embarrassingly for Senator Rubio, Twitter users were quick to accuse the Florida Republican of hypocrisy, citing his 2009 tweet during the Obama administration.

Trumps beliefs

Speaking on 'Fox and Friends' President Trump was explicitly asked if he felt former President Obama was behind the outbreak of protests across the country. Trump replied that 'I think he is behind it. I also think it is politics, that's the way it is'. Trump has been adamant in his belief that the protestors had been paid and that liberal activists orchestrated the harassment of Republican officials. As has become customary, the President described the whole situation as 'Sad.'

President Trump also accused Obama and his supporters of having been behind the recent leaks to the media, an issue that Trump has vowed to crack down on. When asked to explain his thinking, Trump said that 'I think President Obama is behind it because his people are certainly behind it.' His biggest issue has been that the leaks concerned national security and hence were dangerous overall.

However, as he continues to call the leaks fake news, President Trump continues to contradict himself on a daily basis.

No love lost

It is clear that there is little respect between the current and former Commander-in-Chiefs. While it has been extremely rare for former Presidents to criticize their successors in office, the last few weeks have seen an unprecedented number of statements, from Democrats and Republicans alike. After President Obama issued a statement signifying his disapproval of the travel ban initially imposed by the current White House, in recent days former President George W. Bush criticized Trump's behavior towards the Press and spoke out against the 'pretty ugly' political climate in the Trump administration.

As his popularity continues to tumble, alongside further details emerging of the botched military operation in Yemen alongside difficulties being faced in announcing an Obamacare alternative, the Trump White House seem to be struggling to assert any form of control or respect while in power.