Just as Betsy DeVos was sworn in as education secretary on Tuesday, The GOP majority on the House Administration Committee voted to ditch the Election Assitance Commission, an independent, bipartisan federal agency established by the Help America Vote Act of 2002 and formed after the Florida recount.

The EAC was created to assist and support election officials across the nation in their work to offer accessible, secure and accurate voting systems.

Following President Trump's comments on voter fraud last week, many are wondering at the timing of the move.

Rep. Gregg Harper, Republican chairman of the Committee, was recorded as saying "It is time for the EAC to be officially ended". He later added, "We don’t need fluff."

Democrats Fight Back to Protect Voters' Rights

#Democrats opposed the move, claiming the EAC protects voter rights and safeguards against election interference – such as Russian hacking.

Now that this agency has been abolished, and Trump has aired grievances about voter fraud, many wonder what will happen to voting in the future.