Cornell West, professor emeritus at Princeton University and democratic activist has endorsed Dr. Jill Stein of the Green Party for president. West, who was a strong supporter of Bernie Sanders and served on the Democratic National Convention platform committee, made the endorsement in an article in The Guardian criticizing President Obama on his inability to engage the issues of poverty, police brutality, and mass unemployment.

In endorsing Stein, West wrote, “This November, we need change. Yet we are tied in a choice between Trump, who would be a neo-fascist catastrophe, and Clinton, a neo-liberal disaster. That’s why I am supporting Jill Stein.”

Former Bernie Sanders supporter

West, who had supported the candidacy of Bernie Sanders until the Vermont senator endorsed Hillary Clinton on July 12, called Stein, “the only progressive woman in the race.” Citing his support for Sanders, while being critical of his support for Clinton, West added, “I have a deep love for my brother Bernie Sanders, but I disagree with him on Hillary Clinton.

I don’t think she would be an outstanding president. West also has concerns about the former secretary of state’s world view saying he believes Clinton’s “militarism makes the world a less safe place.”

Criticism of Hillary seems to include the policies of her husband, former president Bill Clinton. He also blames the Clintons for “policies [that] helped produce the right-wing populism that we’re seeing now in the country.” West’s endorsement of Stein is the first by a nationally recognized progressive activist and he makes clear that he believes her candidacy to be one that would “… get beyond this lock-jaw situation.”

Just the beginning?

Stein has reacted to the West endorsement enthusiastically.

Whether Stein can gain the support of other high profile Sanders supporters and others in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party is unknown at this early stage. Stein however has seen a boost in interest and money since Sanders’ Tuesday endorsement of Clinton. A reported $80,000 has been donated with $16,000 of that in increments of $27, a number that Sanders consistently pointed to as the average donation of his campaign’s contributions, leading some to believe Sanders supporters are sending a message. The next goal for the Stein campaign appears, according to the candidates Facebook Page, to try and get into the presidential debates with Trump and Clinton.

About West

West is the author of several books including “Democracy Matters” and is a frequent guest on the Bill Maher Show, CNN, and C-Span.