With the RepublicanNational Convention just a week away, the reality of Donald Trump accepting the party's nomination is starting to come true. While the billionaire real estate mogul will represent the GOP in the general election, some members of the party establishment are preparing for a monumental collapse.

Potential Trump disaster

Ever since Trump announced his intention to run for president last summer, the former host of "The Apprentice" has found himself in the headlines for all the wrong reasons on an almost routine basis. Trump kicked off his campaign announcement by labeling illegal immigrants from Mexico as "rapists" and "murders." Since that time, Trump has mocked the disabled, made possible racist comments, and called for "some form of punishment" for women who have abortions if the practice is made illegal in the future.

The baggage that Trump has created on the campaign trail has left top leaders in an uncomfortable situation, as reported by The Hill on July 15.

While House Speaker Paul Ryan has timidly endorsed Trump, despite various examples of criticism, Senate Majority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell has other thoughts. The Hill points out that fellow Republican members of the Senate say that "McConnell is creating space for himself and his members in case Trump’s campaign falls apart." One anonymous senator said McConnell was "maintaining his options," while privately encouraging other senators to distance themselves from Trump when they feel the need to.

In addition, McConnell reportedly won't even mention Trump by name, using other terms like "presumptive nominee" when discussing the issue.

Trump vs GOP

Just last month, Trump was scheduled to meet with Congressional Republicans in a private, closed-door meeting. After arriving 20 minutes late, Trump addressed his fellow Republicans in what one senator described as an "awkward" meeting.

Things went off the rails when Trump allegedly threatened Republicans who have refused to support and endorse his presidential bid.

Election forecast

Despite the friction within the party, Republicans will nominate Trump at the convention in Cleveland and move on to a general election race against Hillary Clinton.

Recent polls show Trump narrowing the gap, but still trailing Clinton by just under five points on a national level. Trump's struggles with minority voting blocs, in particular African-Americans, women, and Hispanics, put him in a hole that will be tough to climb out of if he plans to make it to the White House.