The presidency of Barack Obama will go down as one of the most unique in American history. Since his election in 2008, there's been a "love him or hate him" vibe surrounding Obama, but it appears that more people are still siding with "hope and change."

Just prior to Obama taking office, the United States was dealing with the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.

With nearly 800,000 jobs being lost each month, the unemployment rate was getting ready to exceed 10 percent, while the stock market was cut in half. With millions struggling, the American people put their future in the hands of a little known senator from Illinois as he was sworn into office in Jan. 2009. Though the last seven years has have its share of ups and downs, with less than a year to go, the most recent Gallup poll shows the majority of the American people approve of the job Obama has done.

Obama on the rise

The latest Gallup job approval poll shows that 51 percent of the American people approve of President Obama's handling of the presidency, compared to 45 percent who disagree.

It's the highest approval rating in nearly three years since the months following the start of his second term.

Factors that have possibly led to the increase in job approval are, but are not limited to, an improved economy, a falling unemployment rate, and gas prices that are at their lowest in nearly a decade. Obama is also only a week removed from giving his final State of the Union address that played well with viewers, as he summed up his legacy during the course of the speech.

Republicans turn the other cheek

As expected, Republicans and the conservative media didn't speak on the president's positive standing with the public. With the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary less than a month away, GOP presidential candidates have continued to demonize Obama's time in office, while attacking Democrats running for office, most notably, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. If Obama's popularity continues, it will only be a positive for the Democratic Party, while bad news for Republicans.